
Great is Your Faithfulness

Mar 22, 2014

Great Is Your Faithfulness


Read: Lamentations 3:22-24

In the 1993 movie Groundhog Day, Bill Murray plays a weatherman
who lives the same day over and over and over again. At first he finds it
advantageous, but he ultimately feels doomed.

We can do the same thing. We get caught in the past or in current
challenges. We worry about the future. We relive hurtful experiences,
remain trapped in difficult circumstances, or avoid opportunities for
forgiveness. Yet God’s faithful love offers renewal each day and in just the
right portion—God is always on time, and God is always enough.

We can have clean hearts and right spirits today. In the words of St.
Benedict, “Always, we begin again.” A life of ongoing renewal shapes us into
more loving, faithful, and compassionate disciples. We are transformed for
the sake of others.

Prayer:  Lord, help us as we wait. Thank you for your constant presence
and your abiding love. Renew our hearts today as we remember your
faithfulness. Amen.

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